
Downloadable Documents

As a convenience to those who already know what kinds of documents can be found on the NASG web site, this page provides a simple, quick listing of those.

Contact person: webmaster

Click the file to have your web browser download or display the file (depends on which web browser you are using, which optional add-ons you have installed, and which operating system your computer is using). For PDF files, we recommend either of the following reader applications, if you don't already have one installed:


These are documents that are articles or presentations that people have sent in for posting here on this web site.

NASG - General

NASG - Contests

At the annual NASG Convention, official modeling contests are held. If you attend the Convention, you can take part in these contests. All the documents you need to be able to participate are provided here.

NASG - Conventions

Documents for hosting an NASG Convention are now available via the Members Only portal.

NASG - Support for Clubs

NASG - Library

The NASG Library information is available via the Members Only portal.


For any of our S-MOD documentation, see the dedicated S-MOD Modules page.

Model Manuals

See our Product Notes section of this web site, which provides all sorts of information as well as the manuals and instruction sheets (where available).

Product Gallery