
How This Web Site is Funded?

This web site is not free! Each year we must renew our domain registrations. The NASG owns both the main "" and the special "" domains. We rent server space with a web hosting company that is renewed on an annual basis as well. We have unlimited space on our server.

The webmaster, yours truly, does get a small fee for maintaining this web site. I usually spend at least two hours each weekday, and several hours each Saturday and Sunday, which includes maintaining this web site and processing e-mails directed at the webmaster, including online purchases. I own my own software publishing company, Fourth Ray Software.

The NASG organization pays for the above-mentioned costs, as well as the monthly PayPal fees. So, if you want to provide support for this web site, please consider becoming an NASG member, as a small portion of the annual membership fee pays for this web site.

If you wish to support the webmaster directly, consider visiting the Fourth Ray Software web site, linked to above.

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