We kindly ask you to consider supporting these companies, as their ads in the NASG's Dispatch magazine help in funding our magazine.
Depot G Hobbies:
(303) 345-5031
On this page you will find companies and individuals who manufacture or carry products that are typically found along side of the railroad tracks, such as signals, crossbucks, telephone/telegraph poles, etc. There are a total of 43 entries listed on this page.
(last reviewed on 07/15/2024)
Business Type:
Shapeways Store
New Zealand
3D-printed products
Layout Scenery: crib walls
Rolling Stock: New Zealand Railways 56' passenger car shell
Scenery: transformer poles and cross arms
Structures: station platform parts (NZ prototype), chimney
Track Components: End-of-track concrete block
Trackside: transformer poles and cross arms
Since Shapeways declared bankruptcy, and since this company only sold through Shapeways, they have effectively closed-up shop.
(last reviewed on 11/14/2024)
Electronics: track detection circuits, automated-layout controls, relays, Arduino, power supplies, infrared detectors
Track Components: Circuitron Tortoise
Trackside: NJ International crossing gates, crossbucks, block signals
(last reviewed on 05/07/2024)
NASG Charles Sandersfeld Memorial Award
Catalog: view
Layout Scenery: S, Sn3 bridge kits
Locomotives: steam, diesel, Sn3, Sn2, detailing parts.
Rolling Stock: standard-, narrow-gauge freight, caboose, MOW, detailing parts, trucks, loads
Scenery: figures, animals, fences, detailing parts, vegetation
Structures: laser-cut kits, detailing parts, signs, posters
Trackside: crossbucks
Address is for mail orders only; they are not set up for visitors.
Started as a brick-n-mortar hobby store in 1979 called Bill's Train Shop. In 1984 they changed to a mail-order business. In 1991 they produced their first kit (an S-scale one). In 1996 they bought both Amity Star Models and took over SouthWind Models' brass detailing parts (only). In 1997 they bought Sn3/On3 Rio Grande Models products. In April 1998 they bought Master Creations, which was a laser-cut kit manufacturer that started in 1984, and were a sub-contractor for B.T.S.' kits. In 2005 B.T.S. moved to West Virginia. Bill also created and ran the "S/Sn3 Buyers Guide" magazine, published six times per year from 1993 through 1999 (its name was changed to "S/Sn3 Modeling Guide" in 1995).
(last reviewed on 11/19/2024)
Trackside: manufactures E-Z Line (stretchable line used to represent telephone wires, for example)
The company is for sale, but they are keeping the E-Z Line product category.
(last reviewed on 07/15/2024)
Business Type:
Shapeways Store
Chris Rooney
3D-printed products
Structures: chimneys
Track Components: non-operable turnout switch machines, track walkway
Trackside: signals, water column, maintenance platform
Since Shapeways declared bankruptcy, and since this company only sold through Shapeways, they have effectively closed-up shop.
(last reviewed on 11/25/2024)
Business Type:
Online Retailer
60 Sunrise Point Dr
South Carolina
Zip Code:
Web Site:
Bob Bowditch
S Products Page: view
Miscellaneous: tools
Scenery: fences, detailing parts, Tichy street signs, vegetation, billboards, animated signs
Scratchbuilding: Evergreen Scale Models
Structures: AM Models, American Model Builders, Bar Mills, Branchline Laser Art, GC Laser kits; Tichy parts
Track Components: wheelstops, Bright Boy, Circuitron Tortoise
Trackside: Tichy signs, crossbucks
(last reviewed on 04/17/2024)
3D-printed products
Boats: row boat, kayaks
Electronics: InvisaTrax Transport System
Rolling Stock: Snowplow
Scenery: hundreds of figures, animals, 11 web pages of detailing parts!
Structures: tents, booths
Trackside: Cantenary Towers
Vehicles: Santa Claus sleigh, 1940s Tucker, truck bed, 1970s utility truck, carriage, buggy
The company introduced their InvisaTrax system in April 2024. The American-made system allows for animations of all types to be fully hidden under scenery, to animate items such as automobiles, bicycle riders, swimmers, boats, airplanes, etc.
The two ladies who own the company started by making only S-scale products, as that is their primary interest. However, as other modelers discovered their product line, they started requesting that they'd make them available in their scales, too. A brief article about the two ladies can be found here.
(last reviewed on 11/30/2024)
Business Type:
Brick-n-Mortar Retailer
662 Cross St #1
Zip Code:
Web Site:
S Products Page: view
American Flyer accessories
Locomotives: Lionel, MTH, Kadee couplers
Rolling Stock: Lionel, Kadee couplers
Track Components: Lionel, GarGraves
Trackside: semaphores
Train Sets: Lionel passenger, freight
Charles Ro, Sr. started selling Lionel trains out of one of his beauty salons in 1972. His son, Charles Ro, Jr. joined in the 1980s. Seeing the boom in garden railroading, they formed a new company, USA Trains, to create American-prototype G-scale trains.
(last reviewed on 04/27/2024)
Business Type:
Web Site:
Richard F. Piccuilla
S Products Page: view
Trackside: searchlight signals, dwarf signals, D-type signals, grade-crossing flashers
They offer custom-built signals.
The company was started in 2006.
(last reviewed on 12/25/2024)
S Products Page: view
3D-printed products
Boats: canoes
Layout Scenery: wooden fencing, retaining wall
Scenery: moonshiner still, backyard swimming pool, ice machines, trash cans, soda/beer vending machines
Scratchbuilding: HVAC detailing parts
Structures: core building kits, loading dock, port-a-potties
Trackside: electrical boxes
(last reviewed on 12/16/2024)
Decals: freight car decals for their kits
Miscellaneous: can do custom work
Rolling Stock: freight car kits
Structures: laser-cut kits, trestles, abutments
Trackside: crossbucks
(last reviewed on 07/15/2024)
Business Type:
Shapeways Store
Steve Hunter
3D-printed products
Layout Scenery: concrete culverts
Locomotives: detailing parts
Rolling Stock: CN flangers, double-ended plow body, gondolas, cabooses, caboose steps and marker lamps, AB and K brake parts, passenger car roof parts
Scenery: lobster traps, fish crates, brooms and shovels, dump cart
Structures: chimney, station windows and doors, roof brackets, water tank
Trackside: switchstands
Since Shapeways declared bankruptcy, and since this company only sold through Shapeways, they have effectively closed-up shop.
(last reviewed on 01/18/2025)
American Flyer accessories
Locomotives: Lionel, MTH, American Models, original American Flyer, etc.
Miscellaneous: reference materials
Rolling Stock: Lionel, MTH, American Models, original American Flyer, etc.
Scenery: figures
Structures: various brands
Track Components: various brands
Trackside: original AF billboards
Vehicles: various brands
(last reviewed on 02/19/2024)
Business Type:
Brick-n-Mortar Retailer
8909 Santa Fe Dr.
Overland Park
Zip Code:
Web Site:
S Products Page: view
American Flyer accessories
Layout Scenery: Lionel bridge
Locomotives: Lionel, A.C. Gilbert
Miscellaneous: American Flyer repair
Rolling Stock: Lionel, A.C. Gilbert
Scenery: Lionel billboards
Trackside: Lionel telephone poles
The owner is an experienced layout builder.
(last reviewed on 03/04/2024)
Business Type:
8967 Ridge Rd.
North Rose
New York
Zip Code:
Web Site:
(315) 483-2425
Eldyn S. Graves and Earle A. Gardner
Track Components: the closest match to original A.F. track, sectional track, turnouts, gauges, track bumpers
Trackside: semaphores, signals
This company makes track that is the closest match to the original A.C. Gilbert American Flyer track system.
The company was started in 1940 expressly to manufacture flexible track for O-scale three rail. In the 1950s they invented the "phantom" center rail by making it black to reduce its visibility. 1959 they had added S-scale two-rail track to their product inventory. In 1963 Don Roder purchased the company. Today, the company is run by Don's two sons, Mike and Tom.
(last reviewed on 07/15/2024)
Business Type:
Shapeways Store
3D-printed products
Locomotives: detailing parts, cab walls
Rolling Stock: detailing parts, caboose cupola, truck sideframes
Scenery: whistle posts
Structures: detailing parts
Trackside: semaphores parts, NYC Whistle posts
Since Shapeways declared bankruptcy, and since this company only sold through Shapeways, they have effectively closed-up shop.
(last reviewed on 03/30/2024)
Business Type:
Brick-n-Mortar Retailer
128 South Line Street
Zip Code:
Web Site:
American Flyer accessories
Locomotives: Lionel, smoke fluid, Kadee couplers, smoke fluid, original A.F. parts, replacement wheels
Rolling Stock: Lionel, Kadee couplers
Scenery: Lionel figures
Structures: Lionel stations
Track Components: Bright Boy
Trackside: Lionel telephone poles
Train Sets: Lionel freight
(last reviewed on 11/02/2024)
Miscellaneous: tools, bending jigs
Rolling Stock: caboose kits, detailing parts
Structures: laser-cut, 3D-printed kits
Trackside: PRR, B&O signs
(last reviewed on 11/12/2024)
Business Type:
Manufacturer & Retailer
2460 Tevis Ann Ct
Zip Code:
Web Site:
John Gafney
Airplanes: airport approach lights
Boats: buoy lights
Electronics: parts, shrink tubing
Locomotives: electronics parts
Rolling Stock: FRED, EOT lights
Scenery: sound modules, Miller Engineering animated signs
Structures: LED interior, exterior lights, tower warning lights, sound modules (e.g. church, outhouse)
Track Components: track cleaning pads
Trackside: EZ Line
Vehicles: LED lights, flashers
(last reviewed on 08/14/2024)
Business Type:
1313 West Seminary Street, Suite 4
Richland Center
Zip Code:
Web Site:
S Products Page: view
Locomotives: detailing parts
Rolling Stock: Milwaukee caboose
Trackside: switch stands
(last reviewed on 08/15/2024)
Catalog: view
American Flyer accessories
Electronics: transformers, TMCC, Legacy, etc.
Locomotives: steam, diesel, smoke fluid
Rolling Stock: freight, passenger, MOW, caboose, trucks, wheelsets, couplers
Scenery: figures
Structures: Piggy-back unloader
Track Components: track system, turnouts, railjoiners
Trackside: telephone poles
Train Sets: passenger, freight
One of the main manufacturers of S-scale products. Lionel owns the "American Flyer" name and produces S-scale products under that name.
In 2006 Lionel announced that it had officially taken over the assets of K-Line, including inventory, intellectual property, tooling, and trademarks, after it won its trademark lawsuit against K-Line. Lionel made a deal with Sanda Kan, K-Line's principal manufacturer and creditor, who in turn worked out a deal with K-Line's bankers. Lionel from then on controlled and operated the K-Line brand and has the right to completely own it in the future. The 0-4-0 switcher and the end-cab switcher that K-Line had previously announced for S-scale were abandoned. That year they announced the products will be sold under the brand name "K-Line by Lionel" and will appear in packaging that is different from Lionel's standard boxes.
(last reviewed on 08/20/2024)
Business Type:
47 Raukawa Street
Stokes Valley
Lower Hutt, Wellington
Postal Code:
New Zealand
Web Site:
Locomotives: etched brass New Zealand Railway, brass wheel-wipers, detailing parts
Rolling Stock: etched brass New Zealand Railway, passenger car windows
Scenery: etched-brass birds, clothes line, plants
Structures: etched-brass windmill
Trackside: M&H Semaphore Signal Post
Vehicles: handcart kit
(last reviewed on 03/17/2024)
Business Type:
1001 Quail Run
Zip Code:
Web Site:
Benjamin Merritt
S Products Page: view
3D-printed products
Locomotives: ET&WNC Motorcar 1, caboose, parlor car
Rolling Stock: D&RGW passenger detailing part, caboose bay window part
Structures: ET&WNC water tank, spout
Trackside: milepost, whistle post
(last reviewed on 05/12/2024)
S Products Page: view
3D-printed products
Airplanes: UFOs
Boats: canoes
Rolling Stock: wheel-holding rack for flat cars
Scenery: pallets, dumpsters, crates, barrels, ghost, 40-foot containers, escalator stairs, tents
Structures: various building types
Track Components: track clips for Lionel's track system
Trackside: tunnel portals
(last reviewed on 08/27/2024)
Boats: row boat skeleton
Decals: for structures
Layout Scenery: scenic backgrounds
Miscellaneous: weathering solutions
Rolling Stock: loads: hay bales, dragline bucket, vertical steam engines, power generators, ice blocks
Scenery: figures, detailing parts
Structures: mostly pre-built or easy-to-build kits, some pre-painted buildings, detailing parts, weathered signs, 3D background scenes
Trackside: semaphores
Vehicles: 1920-1930s era cars, 1940-50s garbage truck, rusted-out cars, trailers, tractor
(last reviewed on 07/29/2024)
Business Type:
P.O. Box 15341
Zip Code:
Web Site:
Electronics: various circuits
Track Components: switch stands
Trackside: crossbucks, semaphores, signals, warning signs
In April/May 2024, they seemed to have created a new web site, which no longer lists their S-scale products. It may be temporary, as it appears the company is going through some changes. If you are interested in one of their previously-produced S-scale items, contact them to see if they can still make them. The alternative web site they still have appears to list S-scale items, still.
The company was started in Hicksville, New York in 1971.
(last reviewed on 08/29/2024)
Locomotives: various railroad-specific antennae
Rolling Stock: gondola covers
Trackside: instrument shed
You'll have to dig around the web site a bit, as it is very confusingly laid out.
(last reviewed on 07/12/2024)
3D-printed products
Electronics: pre-wired locomotive LED, speaker, DCC adapter board
Locomotives: NZR locomotive kits, coreless motors, detailing parts, backheads, wheels, NZR couplers, numberboards, piston rods
Miscellaneous: micro reamers, taps, metric drill bits, screws
Rolling Stock: gondola and hopper car kits, detailing parts, NZR couplers, passenger car trucks
Scenery: figures, horses, vegetation, mining cart, cream cans, milk cans, pulleys and cranks
Structures: NZR Station Latrine, many detailing parts, station poster boards, ladders
Track Components: yard ground throw, fishplates
Trackside: semaphores, kits for animating them, signal box kit, ground throws
Vehicles: horse-drawn carriage, 1936 Austin Ruby, windshield wipers
The company specializes in 3D-printed, etched-brass kits and details, and metal cast parts. They are focused on the New Zealand Railway prototype, i.e. Sn42, but many items can be used by other modelers. Their figures are very nicely details and to-scale.
(last reviewed on 02/10/2024)
S Products Page: view
Structures: SOO Line-prototype based structure kits
Trackside: Western Railroad Supply Autoflag #5 Wig-Wag
In 2023 the company changed its name from SooParts to Northwoods Models.
(last reviewed on 07/13/2024)
3D-printed products
Scenery: ladders, dumpsters, pallets, crates, tires, fuel dump, gas pumps, sacks, street lamp
Structures: brick walls, wall capstones, container office, skylights, food prep counter, work table
Trackside: IR sensor boxes
Vehicles: construction-related, Jeeps, truck-frames load
The company was started in 2023. This company is owned by the same owners who own Tru-Color Paint.
(last reviewed on 01/16/2025)
Advertises in the NASG's Dispatch
American Flyer accessories
Locomotives: original A.F., American Models, S-Helper Service, MTH, Lionel
Miscellaneous: reference materials, "The S-Scale Assistant" card for measuring figures (click on Tools on their web site)
Rolling Stock: original American Flyer, American Models, S-Helper Service, Pacific Rail Shops, S Scale America, Lionel, track-cleaning cars
Scenery: figures, fences, vegetation
Structures: manufactures roundhouse kit; banta modelworks, Lehigh Valley Models, FinestKind, Twin Whistle, Hunterline, Blair Line kits, Plasticville
Track Components: original American Flyer, Lionel, American Models, American S Gauge, Bob Peare, Caboose Industries, Fox Valley, GarGraves, MTH, SHS, turntables
Trackside: crossbucks, semaphores, signals
Vehicles: various brands
(last reviewed on 07/15/2024)
Business Type:
Shapeways Store
John Hall
3D-printed products
Locomotives: Sn3 locomotive parts
Rolling Stock: TPL log & mill cars; Sn3 passenger car roofs
Trackside: Carter Bros handcar kit (static)
Since Shapeways declared bankruptcy, and since this company only sold through Shapeways, they have effectively closed-up shop.
(last reviewed on 09/11/2024)
Business Type:
1142 Covey Circle
Zip Code:
Web Site:
Rolling Stock: gondola & hopper loads (junk, ballast, coal)
Scenery: figures, street signs, detailing parts
Trackside: diecast metal signs, crossbucks
(last reviewed on 09/15/2024)
Business Type:
Web Site:
Des Plaines Hobbies/Scale America
Larry Jackman
Locomotives: RS-1 brass kit
Rolling Stock: freight car kits
Trackside: signals
This product line was bought by Des Plaines Hobbies. Through this brand, they manufacture their own line of S-scale engines, cars, and detailing parts.
In 1991 the company sold their HO-scale line to focus on S only. In 1994 Des Plaines Hobbies buys the company's product line and name. Larry died in 2009. In 2022 Matt Gaudynski starts Scale America, which now includes the former S Scale America product line held by Des Plaines Hobbies.
(last reviewed on 06/18/2024)
Trackside: signals, cantilever, block signals, dwarf signals, as well as custom designs to your specs
The owner hand-makes brass signals in both G-gauge and S-scale. These come with LEDs and fully pre-wired and ready to be installed on your layout or module. The company does not produce semaphores. Free estimates on your custom projects, and he accepts PayPal. Shipping available only to the continental U.S. (pricing includes free shipping). Since the company does not have a web site, we have offered to list an example of their S-scale offerings here. Their web site is gone, and their Facebook page basically has nothing on it.
The company was started in 1997.
(last reviewed on 03/19/2024)
Business Type:
13536 County Road 45
Zip Code:
Web Site:
Walter and Debbie Vail
Joe Warren
S Products Page: view
Structures: Citrus Shed (by the original owner)
Trackside: signaling parts kits (by the new owners)
The original company produced one S-scale product, which was the S-scale version of their Citrus Shed (a.k.a. Sunkist Packing Shed).
The company was started by Joe Warren in 1995 in Cherry Valley, California. In 2012 Joe retired and the company was bought out and moved by the current owners to Tuskegee, Alabama. In 2023, the company returned to S by offering signaling parts.
(last reviewed on 11/24/2024)
3D-printed products
Electronics: LED lights in HO-scale fixtures that may be of use in S
Miscellaneous: DVDs (shown as a book on the computer) related to the steel industry
Rolling Stock: loads
Scenery: fire hydrant
Scratchbuilding: many detailing parts, H-column footers, pipe bent (hold/routing pipes through facilities), exterior vents, piping systems and components, roof trusses, corrugated fiberglass panels
Structures: parts for modeling a steel mill and other industrial complexes, most of which are available in S-scale
Trackside: telephone box
Note that the owner of the company has indicated that they are willing to 3D-print anything in their existing product line in S-scale; just ask.
(last reviewed on 09/24/2024)
Business Type:
Brick-n-Mortar Retailer
500 Hall Street
Web Site:
S Products Page: view
American Flyer accessories
Decals: alphabet sets, Solvaset
Electronics: wire
Layout Scenery: scenic backgrounds (not S-specific)
Locomotives: Lionel, smoke fluid
Miscellaneous: weathering powders
Rolling Stock: Lionel
Track Components: Lionel, GarGraves track screws, track cleaning block, Bright Boy, Circuitron Tortoise switch machine
Trackside: backgrounds, Lionel telephone poles
Started in 1976.
(last reviewed on 07/21/2024)
Their signs are made from a durable, non-flaking, heavy-weight paper product. Prototypes are made on a mathematically-derived scale based on research of original signage size. In other words, they are very accurate. For their S-scale models, the posts are made of aluminum.
Rick bought the company in 2022.
(last reviewed on 09/29/2024)
Business Type:
P.O. Box 220
North Carolina
Zip Code:
Web Site:
(336) 217-8523
Don and Teri Tichy
Click the Instructions tab on their web site to download PDF files of their kits' instruction sheets.
The company manufactures all of their products in-house at their facility. The company was started in 2012.
(last reviewed on 07/15/2024)
Business Type:
Shapeways Store
William Monagahn
3D-printed products
Electronics: speaker enclosure, mounting fixture for Hex Frog Juicer
Locomotives: old-time steam cab, domes, speaker enclosure
Rolling Stock: Civil War-era passenger, freight cars, caboose, Fox trucks, caboose steps
Scratchbuilding: ladder
Track Components: Ramapo switch stand, targets
Trackside: semaphores
Since Shapeways declared bankruptcy, and since this company only sold through Shapeways, they have effectively closed-up shop.
(last reviewed on 01/23/2024)
S Products Page: view
3D-printed products
Rolling Stock: transformer loads, caboose kit
Scenery: steel bins, drums, and pails
Structures: homes, phone booth, oil tank
Track Components: non-operational switchstands
Trackside: non-operational Speeders, signal boxes
The owner has indicated that any item you see on their web site that is only available in scales other than S can be produced in S; just contact him and ask. The company name is the owner's name spelled backwards.
The company was started in 2017. Steven Tuff joined the company in 2019.
(last reviewed on 09/15/2024)
Trackside: crossbucks, semaphores, signals
In 2022, the company removed S-scale from their home page listing, but they do have a sale page for S. In 2024 their web site still up, but none of the links work on their site.