

The Annual NASG Convention

The 2025 Convention

The current official word is: "The NASG Convention Committee is working on several possibilities". Stay tuned!

Future Conventions

Detailed information about your club hosting an NASG Convention. We're looking for 2025 and beyond host clubs.

Past Conventions

Coverage of all Conventions from 1961 through 2024.

The Annual NASG Convention is S-scale's premier event.

The Convention is held sometime in late-June, July, or early-August, somewhere in the U.S. or Canada. A Convention is sponsored and organized by one or more individuals, or one or more clubs. The Convention's primary activities are held at the Convention hotel, and these activities are usually spread out over four or more days. The event draws people from all over the world, and it is open to all active NASG members. Direct family members are welcome. Bring your children or grandchildren to introduce them to the world of model railroading and to S. Share your enthusiasm for S with other like-minded individuals.

Other Shows Featuring S

Contact person for new shows and updates: webmaster

General Train Shows

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Online Events

S-scale Zoom Meeting
Held every Tuesday at 8pm Eastern Standard US time; hosted by Bill Lane or Ken Zieska.

S-Trains Chat
Held every Sunday at 9:30pm Eastern Standard US time; hosted by Chuck Harrington.

National Narrow Gauge group, which hosts the "Off the Beaten Track" monthly Zoom meeting, held every second Tuesday of the month.

New Tracks holds monthly Zoom meetings, which sometimes cover some aspect of S, segments of which are then posted on their YouTube channel.

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