Personal and private content is shown on this page. You are absolutely NOT allowed to use this information for any purpose other than for contacting the person or group about their S-scale activities. The NASG has a zero-tolerance policy toward spam or crank or sales calls. Any violations are grounds for legal actions.
Mailing Address:
22 Hudson Falls Road, South Glens Falls, New York
Contact Phone:
(585) 259-1254
Web Site:
Region(s) Covered:
New York
Layout Description:
The club is a multi-scale one. They are working on a new A.F.-based layout inspired by the Empire Track Plan that was part of the NYC Gilbert Hall of Science in the 1940s and 50s, and several years ago was re-created by Clay and Charlie Buckage. The 8' x 24' first level of the layout is now operational.
Photo Album:
Photo Album:
Photo Album: