
The S Scale Workshop

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Club Info

Contact Name:

Jim Martin

Meeting Location:

Ontario, Canada

Contact e-mail:

Web Site:

Region(s) Covered:

Ontario, Canada

Photo Album:





At the Annual Spring Train Show in Lindsay, Ontario, the club set up their Free-mo-style layout. This was the first show since the lockdowns began. This was a photo Jim took of a CNR 2-6-0 passing by an open field being worked on by a local farmer. The combination of 3D modeling and scenery with a photo-realistic backdrop really make this image stand out.

(copyright © Jim Martin; used by permission)

Shown running on the club's layout in 2023, the K-3 class engine was produced by MLW Services out of Canada. The company provided the necessary brass kit parts to take an American Models 4-6-2 and convert it into a prototypical CN model that fit the road number range of 5557 through 5611. Andy Malette, owner of MLW Services, has previously indicated that these models sold out pretty quickly, but if the demand is there, he'd be willing to entertain doing another run of them.

Taken at a local train show, the club members who were able to attend this particular show took this self-portrait. From left to right are Paul Raham, John Johnston, Andy Malette, Jamie Bothwell, and Jim Martin. They are standing by the "behind-the-scenes" train turntable of their point-to-loop/point show layout. It allows trains to enter after their run and another to depart. It can be lined up with one of its three tracks to the mainline track of the layout, which you can see through the cut-out in the sky-colored backdrop. Depending on how it is used, it is a very space-efficient means of turning whole trains, or simply staging in-bound and out-bound trains.

CNR E-10 Mogul #86, constructed from a kit by William Flatt, is westbound for Marshalls, the end of the line on the S Scale Workshop's traveling layout. The Mogul was built by William Flatt from an S Scale Locomotive & Supply kit and is now owned by John Johnston. The building on the right is Andy Malette's Great White North Brewing plant. The portable backdrop is a small one that used to be offered by SceniKing. According to Jim Martin, it has been handy beyond belief over the years. The track is Tomalco Track code 83. This photo appeared on the inside cover of the January 2024 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman magazine in the NASG promotional ad campaign.

(copyright © Jim Martin; used by permission)

The "gang" at the 2024 edition of the Annual Spring Train Show in Lindsay, Ontario.

Jeff English (an American) drove up to join the group and brought his highway underpass module.

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