
Pittsburgh S-Gaugers

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Club Info

Contact Name:

Roger Schneider

Mailing Address:

3451 MacArthur Drive, Murrysville, Pennsylvania 15668

Contact Phone:

(724) 327-4864

Contact e-mail:

Web Site:

Region(s) Covered:

Pennsylvania & West Virginia


The club meets monthly.


Layout Description:

The club has two portable layouts. The AC-powered "hi-rail" layout is 9' x 17' with an open center. Its track is MTH/S-Helper Service code 138 flextrack with American Models turnouts. The layout features many American Flyer operating accessories that can be operated by the viewers. The second layout is a NASG S-MOD standard modular switching layout in an "L" shape measuring 16' x 6'. It has S-Helper Service code 138 flex track, secondary trackage of code 125 rail on Ace ties, and Tomalco code 100 standard-gauge track and narrow-gauge track for Sn3, Sn42, and Sn2. On the standard-gauge track, except in the coal yard with code 100 track, scale and AF flanges can be used; four different manufacturers' turnouts have been incorporated. Usually, the standard-gauge layout is run with NCE DCC, but it can be run with DC or AC; the narrow-gauge lines are DC powered. The club also rebuilt and curates the Penn Creek Valley Railroad owned by the Greater Tri-Town Area Historical Society in Dawson, PA; this spectacular display was originally the home layout of noted S modeler Sam Powell, and was moved to Pennsylvania in 2016.


Product Gallery