Personal and private content is shown on this page. You are absolutely NOT allowed to use this information for any purpose other than for contacting the person or group about their S-scale activities. The NASG has a zero-tolerance policy toward spam or crank or sales calls. Any violations are grounds for legal actions.
Contact Name:
Jim Futules
Mailing Address:
310 S. Munroe Road, Tallmadge, Ohio 44278
Contact e-mail:
Web Site:
Region(s) Covered:
The club has four layouts. Each of the layouts has its own self-contained trailer including rolling stock and power packs. The two largest layouts are equipped for both DC and DCC.
Layout Description:
A pure scale layout that is 26' x 14' using code 100 track.
Layout #2:
A 28' x 15' hi-rail layout using code 148 that is capable of running anything in S-scale from fine scale to American Flyer.
Layout #3:
A 14' x 8' purely American Flyer layout which has lots of buttons and accessories for the kids to operate and play with, and is open for adults who have some American Flyer in the attic to bring out and see if their trains still run.
Layout #4:
An American Flyer HO-scale layout that measures 4' x 5' (it will run American Flyer HO-scale, regular HO-scale, and even On3 trains).