
NASG Explore S Handout

The NASG has prepared an "Explore S" one-page handout. The front and back are shown below. These are great for general distribution to local modelers at train shows, or at open houses. These are less expensive to print than the tri-folds. The tri-folds are probably more useful to someone who expresses a real interest in S.

There are three ways to obtain printed copies of the "Explore S" handout:

  1. If you or your club needs significant quantities for use at conventions, open houses, local train shows, club displays, or other similar events, simply contact the Promotions Committee chairman James McAuliffe (click to start e-mail), or request them via postal mail:
       James McAuliffe
       6707 Cottage Hill Lane
       Cedar Rapids, IA 52411
  2. You can also obtain copies by contacting your regional Vice President:
    Eastern/Northeastern Vice President: Darby Marriott
    Central/Southeastern Vice President: Brian Jackson
    Western Vice President: Clay Buckage
  3. If you wish to order several items at the same time, you can also download, print, fill in the NASG Publications Order Form, and mail it to the address shown on that form.

Front (click the image to see the larger version)

Back (click the image to see the larger version)
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